لیست دانلود دوره ششم خلیج فارس افلاین( گلف افلاین)
The Wolfman (2010) DVDRip XVID-IMAGiNE
Clash of The Titans 2010 [HD
Adobe Photoshop CS 5 full
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Take advantage of powerful new photography tools and breakthrough
capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic
painting, and a wide range of workflow and performance enhancements.
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
•Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home
Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1; or
Windows 7
•1GB of RAM
•9.1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free
space required during installation (cannot install on removable
flash-based storage devices)
•1280x800 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified
hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of
•Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
•Some features in Adobe Bridge rely on a DirectX 9–capable graphics card with at least 64MB of VRAM
•DVD-ROM drive
•Java™ Runtime Environment 1.5 or 1.6
•QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for multimedia features
•Adobe Flash® Player 10 software required to export SWF files
•Broadband Internet connection required for online services
Extract the ISO file and then install the two programs created by the
mind drives ao.Chu uncheck all the others just leave Photoshop
Legend of the Seeker S02E18 HDTV XviD LOL
Transsiberian (2008) x264 m-HD - AdiT
Pass : aditkhan@hd-bb.org